A Guide to Composing a Heartfelt Message

Writing a sincere and authentic note is a wonderful way to make someone feel loved and valued. However, most people struggle with what to say and how to say it.

We’ve put together this short guide to help you express those feelings in a way that will make your recipient’s heart swell with joy. When you add a heartfelt note, every time they look at their gift they’ll remember how you feel about them.

1. Handwrite your message to make it more personal. Yes, even if your writing is chicken scratch. Remember this comes from your heart!

2. The goal of your message is to express how you feel about your recipient by linking your gift to something meaningful to him/her. A shared special memory, something he/she loves or a person or place that has significance to them.

3. Begin with the occasion and their name (or pet nickname). "Happy Birthday Emma!"

4. Explain why this art piece made you think of them. "When I saw this art, I knew I had to get it for you! Our trip to NYC was so special and brings back so many amazing memories."

5. Add a specific detail that is meaningful/special.  "Remembering the joy on your face as we watched “To Kill a Mockingbird” on Broadway still makes me so happy. I know seeing a Broadway show was on your bucket list and that night didn’t disappoint!   

6. Link the gift to the memory and how much he/she means to you. "I thought this would be the perfect gift to remind you of the fun we had, but more importantly, how much I love you. I am so lucky to have you as my wife! I can’t imagine my life without you.

7. Close strong! "I hope every time you look at this, it will remind you of how much you mean to me. Love, Dan"


Now, let’s pull it all together:

Happy Birthday Emma!

When I saw this art, I knew I had to get it for you! Our trip to NYC was so special and brings back so many amazing memories.

Remembering the joy on your face as we watched “To Kill a Mockingbird” on Broadway still makes me so happy. I know seeing a Broadway show was on your bucket list and that night didn’t disappoint!   

I thought this would be the perfect gift to remind you of the fun we had, but more importantly, how much I love you. I am so lucky to have you as my wife! I can’t imagine my life without you.

I hope every time you look at this, it will remind you of how much you mean to me. 

Love, Dan

Some other examples:

Happy Mother's Day Mom,

We grew up going to the Jersey shore every year as a family and I have so many great memories from those times.  When I saw this art, I knew you’d love it!

Remember the time Mike and I thought we could bring ice cream to the beach in a cooler and keep it frozen with just ice? Crazy as it sounds, “drinking” that cold, melted ice cream mess and laughing as the stickiness got everywhere still makes me smile to this day.

This brings back sweet childhood memories and reminds me of the fun we had together as a family. You gave us that gift. I hope each time you look at this picture, it reminds you of the happy summers our family spent down at the shore.

I love you Mom!  Love, Ian 


Happy Father’s Day Eric!

This gift reminded me of all the football games we went to together in college and the fun we had tailgating with our friends. It was there that I first fell in love with you.

Do you remember the day we were headed to a game and crossed a frozen creek when the ice broke, immersing me in the frigid water? You were so sweet as you wrapped me in your coat and got me quickly back to my house to warm up and change clothes. The caring, loving way you took care of me was the beginning of our forever bond as I realized what a great dad you would be someday. 

I hope every time you look at this image, it transports you back to our beginning. To remind you of our foundation, the fun we’ve had and the beautiful family we’ve created together.

You’re a great dad Eric and today we celebrate YOU!

Love, Allie


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